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Varicorin treatments of varicose veins

Varicorin treatments of varicose veins

The most susceptible to the appearance of varicose veins are people whose professions are associated with a long stay in an upright state, as a result of which there is a significant load on the legs. These professions include hairdressers, salespeople, surgeons. Also, the reasons lie in overweight, obesity. Varicose veins also occur in women who constantly wear high-heeled shoes.

Varicose veins involve the use of certain precautions, indications for prevention, which allow avoiding the further development of the disease, helping to reduce the likelihood of surgical treatment. These measures include:

  • regular examination at the clinic, it is also necessary to take tests and, if necessary, undergo the procedures prescribed by the doctor;

  • exclusion of prolonged standing, normalization of the diet;

  • timely treatment measures when making such a diagnosis;

  • use of anti-varicose underwear with varying degrees of compression;

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits in the form of smoking and alcohol;

  • it is recommended to add foods that contain high amounts of fiber to the diet;

  • timely elimination of constipation.

These measures will help to avoid the appearance of varicose veins, and at the first stage will help to remove visible signs, prevent the development of pathology and the appearance of significant vascular nodules.

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Contraindications for disease

There are few contraindications for varicose veins, but they must be strictly observed, especially in severe stages of pathology:

Passivity and sedentary lifestyle. The purpose of the veins is to return blood through the veins from the extremities to the heart and lungs, this is ensured by the stable functioning of the vascular valves. Varicose veins of the legs occur when blood stagnates in the body. Therefore, physical activity is necessary within the framework of the norm;

Improper nutrition, the use of unhealthy foods, because with obesity and overweight, blood pressure rises;

Pregnancy, since carrying a child increases the load on the limbs, increases the volume of blood in the circulatory system;

Jogging and vigorous exercise. It is recommended to choose sports without excessive exertion, yoga, massage, water aerobics;

Hot shower and bath.

With proper foot care, you can neutralize the signs and causes of the disease, and moderate physical activity will allow the legs to return to their previous healthy appearance, because it is much more expensive and more difficult to get sick and treat pathology than to take preventive measures.

General description of the disease

Varicose veins are a disease due to which the venous wall becomes thinner, the lumen of the veins increases.

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When the work of the veins is disrupted, the blood begins to circulate chaotically, enters the superficial vessels and turns into characteristic "spiders" - sinuous veins that protrude to the surface.

Today varicose veins are defined as a real scourge: studies show that it occurs in 30-40% of women and 10-20% of men over 18 years old. Varicose veins are often diagnosed in people of the middle age group and the elderly.

Causes of varicose veins

There are several factors causing varicose veins:

Genetics. If both parents have varicose veins in the family, then 90% that children will have it. This is due to the weakness of the vascular wall due to insufficient connective tissue.

Pregnancy. During this period, important organs work with increased stress.

Excess weight. Due to obesity, lipid metabolism is disturbed, which leads to varicose veins.

Static loads. If a person is often sitting or standing, and his lifestyle involves constant physical activity, the risk of varicose veins increases.

Improper nutrition. Fiber deficiency (insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables) causes chronic constipation, lack of nutrients, which, in turn, leads to a violation of the integrity of the venous wall.

High-heeled shoes. Affects the work of the gastrocnemius muscle, reduces the activity of the muscle pump.

It should be noted that the pathogenesis of varicose veins is divided into male and female.

In men, pathology occurs due to:

Physical work or professional sports involving lifting weights.

Sedentary lifestyle.

Poor nutrition.

Genetic addiction.

Bad habits.

As a rule, in men, varicose veins begins after 40 years and involves constant fatigue of the legs, pain in the legs, edema, venous "spiders", frequent cramps and itching. Treatment for men is the same as for women.


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