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Testolan increase testosterone levels supplements

Обновлено: 2 дек. 2020 г.

Testolan increase testosterone levels supplements

Testosterone is what really sets men and women apart. This opinion can be found in the book Geneticist Ann Moir and journalist David Jessell "Brain Gender: The Real Differences Between Men and Women" (1989). And although this thesis is now considered outdated, one cannot but agree that testosterone plays an important role in a man's life. In this article, we will tell you what the hormone affects, why its level drops, and how to know when it's time to sound the alarm.


Testosterone is responsible for secondary sex characteristics and affects sex life. It begins to be produced in small doses even during fetal development. With the onset of adolescence, the level of the hormone #increases sharply: the teenager's voice breaks, hair appears on the body, and muscles and bones grow faster. In addition, stress resistance, endurance, aggression (as a way of self-defense), and the ratio of muscle to fat depend on testosterone.

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On average, the body of an adult male produces about 7 milligrams of testosterone per day. After 30 years, its production gradually decreases. But sometimes low testosterone, like too high, is dangerous. Another pathology is when the male hormone begins to replace female estrogens. Let's analyze each situation in detail.

Boys and men with normal testosterone levels are not prone to obesity. If nutritional correction and sports do not help, you need to see an endocrinologist.


The body is "programmed" to decrease testosterone levels with age. This is a natural process - the reproductive function is relegated to the background, all forces are spent on the development of immunity and other tasks. A drop in testosterone levels may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;

  • bad mood, loss of "taste for life" - when nothing pleases, apathy and indifference appear;

  • decreased sex drive;

  • reduction in muscle mass, increase in body fat.

In advanced cases, there is gynecomastia (an increase in the mammary glands in men), a slowdown or cessation of hair growth on the face and body, and a sharp increase in weight. These are serious symptoms that signal hormonal imbalance.

Some men try to increase testosterone on their own with the help of dietary #supplements and hormonal drugs. It is dangerous without consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can identify the cause of the drop in testosterone, prescribe drugs and determine the dosage of the hormone.

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Uncontrolled testosterone pills can lead to infertility, impotence, anxiety and aggression. Moreover, hormone therapy without indications can cause osteoporosis, diseases of the nervous or cardiovascular system, and oncology.

Lack of sleep, stress, overwork, alcohol abuse and unhealthy diet affect testosterone decline. In order for the hormone to be produced in sufficient quantities, you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day. If you do not eliminate the causes that cause stress and overwork, you can fall into a vicious circle: the level of testosterone is not enough to fight stress, and a tired body will save resources by reducing the production of the hormone.

The drug method of increasing testosterone is used in extreme cases. The endocrinologist will not prescribe drugs without a preliminary examination

If we talk about alcohol, then the connection between it and testosterone has long been proven. A small amount of alcohol increases the hormone level by 5 minutes. After 25 minutes, testosterone recovers and then drops sharply. You've probably noticed that men who drink often have a more feminine figure. And not only among beer drinkers: as we said above, with a normal testosterone level, a man is not prone to obesity. A decrease in hormone levels against the background of alcohol abuse, sweets and junk food leads to female obesity.


When men gain weight, fat is deposited in the neck, back, shoulders and upper abdomen. This is called male obesity. Female obesity - when the hips, abdomen and breasts grow. In addition to malnutrition, the cause may be an excess of female estrogen.

Estrogens in a man's body are responsible for metabolism and strong bones, prevent the onset of chronic diseases and ensure the correct set of muscle mass. They are distinguished from #testosterone by one hydrogen atom and two energy bonds. And that's all. This means that if a hydrogen atom joins the male hormone molecule for some reason, it becomes female. If this happens too often, the man loses his secondary sexual characteristics.

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Tumors of the adrenal gland and testicles, genetic diseases, certain medications, and severe liver damage can cause increased estrogen production. Of course, only a doctor can prescribe treatment in such cases.


If you understand that you have health problems, do not delay your visit to the doctor. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat a neglected case. But you can support the body by revising your lifestyle.

Try to sleep at least 7 hours a day (8 if possible), as testosterone is produced during sleep.

Make sure that your food is correct and balanced - more fresh vegetables and fruits, less sweets and fast food. For the production of the male hormone, vitamins A and D, zinc and magnesium are needed. Include spinach, broccoli, red meat, seafood, eggs, avocados, nuts in your diet.

Moderate physical activity is recommended. Cardio alone doesn't affect testosterone #levels, but it does burn fat. Alternate them with strength exercises, be sure to include the bench press, squats, deadlifts in the training program, since these exercises involve large muscles.

Remember that alcohol lowers testosterone. And if you can't give it up altogether, cut back at least the amount.

The last tip is less stress, more rest. Learn to "block" thinking about work on your weekend, especially if the work is stressful and stressful. Not everyone can pick up and turn off the phone, sometimes you have to stay in touch. To avoid stress and burnout, do whatever you want on your weekends, but leave work for the week.


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