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Buy Semaxin stimulant testosterone naturel

Buy Semaxin stimulant testosterone naturel

Gym regulars sooner or later may face a serious problem - muscle growth and strength indicators reach a certain peak and no even the most intense workouts lead to progress, or it slows down significantly. How so? So much effort, but the result does not match what was planned.

This is where special #stimulants come to the rescue - testosterone boosters. Taking them helps to increase the level of the male hormone in the body, and as a bonus (especially important for older athletes), enhance libido and improve the quality of sexual life.

In addition, many "hardened" and not very pros turn to steroids (although they often admit this only after the end of their careers). And in this case, post-cycle therapy is required to restore hormonal levels.

Medicines sold in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. They are not sports supplements, so we will consider them briefly:

Aromatase inhibitors

Names - Anastrozole, Letrozole. These are truly effective and relatively safe, when taken correctly, drugs that normalize testosterone production and lower estrogen levels.


Another prescription drug considered anticancer but popular with athletes for its ability to suppress estrogen. However, the drug is toxic and has a lot of side effects. But even that doesn't scare everyone away.

Natural sports boosters based on natural ingredients:

Tribulus terrestris

A very useful herb for men, in Russian called "Creeping Yakors". It is usually produced in the form of capsules with plant extract. When choosing, you should pay attention to the concentration of the active substance - saponins. Possible range is 35-95%.

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Surprisingly, depending on the market conditions, the tribulus is sometimes credited with the most proven efficiency, sometimes it is called useless.


Natural hormone-like substance, whose benefits were proved by Soviet scientists. True, the tests were carried out on animals. Practically safe, but in small dosages, the effect is hardly noticeable. In addition to stimulating the secretion of its own testosterone, it optimizes the synthesis of protein, creatine. Accordingly, it works best in combination with other types of sports nutrition.

There are still many options for herbal, mineral, vitamin preparations (all sorts of yohimbe, forskolin, D-aspartic acid, ZMA, etc.), positioned as boosters, but they are rather interesting as part of complex supplements, and separately there is little or no sense from them at all.

Our rating of the best test boosters is opened by a popular supplement from the famous manufacturer of sports nutrition BioTech USA. It is a tablet form of Tribulus Terrestris plant extract. The drug is designed to stimulate the body's own testosterone production. Does not contain steroids, #natural and safe, provided, of course, there is no intolerance or allergic reactions.

It is noteworthy that in each serving, the main component is present in the amount of 1500 mg, and the saponin content is 79%. And these are very decent indicators. It is recommended to take one serving a day, but experienced athletes usually increase the dose. True, they do it at their own peril and risk. The effect of taking it comes in about a week.

Next in the ranking of the best testosterone boosters - Tribulus 1500. Booster from the American company APS Nutrition is one of the most powerful and highly concentrated natural testosterone stimulants on the market. The manufacturer has long been known for its desire to produce sports nutrition with the best performance, in a sense, according to the principle of "higher, further, stronger" (although it is difficult to say whether all products can be approved by the Olympic movement).

Each serving of the supplement (2 capsules) contains 1500 mg of Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris extract containing 90% steroid, 60% furostanol saponins, as well as protogracillin and protodioscin. It is the last active ingredient that is most important, as it is responsible for the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the increase in testosterone levels. It is believed that it is contained in the required quantities only in the plant "creeping tribulus", which grows in Bulgaria and Slovakia.

One of the most famous sports nutrition manufacturers from the United States presents its version of the plant-based #testosterone booster. SAN has an excellent reputation in sports and is trusted by a large number of athletes. And all thanks to the use of quality raw materials and, as a result, the effectiveness of most products.

Tribuvar 1000 is based on the same tribulus, standardized for 45% of the active ingredient - saponins. This is a perfectly normal ratio. And although in this indicator the additive is inferior to the previously indicated competitors, users note the real effectiveness and good tolerance.

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